Dear NMOs Presidents and Delegates
As you know EFOMP supports the annual European School of Medical Physics. This provides a series of week-long courses particularly aimed at the recent entrant to the medical physics profession in the early stages of their career. Attached is an award letter for ESMP bursaries: This year EFOMP provides four bursaries for the school covering the costs of one week's registration. We would ask you to encourage eligible physicists in your country to apply.
With best wishes
Dott. Marco Brambilla
Secretary General of EFOMP
European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics
Direttore SC di Fisica Sanitaria
Az. Ospedaliero Universitaria Maggiore della Carità
28100 Novara, Italy
tel +39 0321 3733369
fax +39 0321 3733327
mobile:+39 3357789678
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European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics,
Registered Office: Fairmount House, 230 Tadcaster Road, York, YO24 1ES, UK
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