Tuesday, 13 March 2018 21:21

Company members

Sponsoring company of the Hellenic Association of Medical Physicists (HAMP)

Companies wishing to become sponsors of HAMP should fill in the attached registration form and send it back to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
After the application has been approved by the Board, it is forwarded to the Association's Treasurer, for annual fee payoff.
Payments can be done to HAMP's bank account in Eurobank. Further details are sent after the approval of the application by the Association's Secretary and Treasurer.
Annual cost for 2019: 200 Euros (basic fee)
Annual cost for 2019: 400 Euros (gold sponsor)


IBAN : GR2302602540000960101369050



  • Upload of the company's logo on HAMP's homepage and link to the company's website
  • Invitation of the company's representatives to daily meetings/conferences organised by HAMP
  • Registration of the company's representatives to daily meetings/conferences organised by HAMP at a reduced fee (when a fee exists)
  • Special packages at reduced price for placement of a banner and distribution of the company's advertising material during daily meetings/conferences, placement/inclusion of the company's logo in the event's program.
  • Invitation for talks in scientific meetings/symposia organised by HAMP.
  • Free upload of job posts on HAMP's webpage.
  • Submission of scientific articles/ white papers related to new products for upload on HAMP's special section on website (gold sponsor).
Read 3405 times Last modified on Wednesday, 06 February 2019 23:43